eLC’s missions is are to facilitate Student Centric eLearning Transformation with the use of Open Standards Technologies, to encourage Fair and Open Competition and Digital Inclusion, and to promote Collaborative & Sustainable Business model.
Its supporters include stakeholders from different segments of the education ecosystem such as Large to Small Business and Education Organizations from the ICT industry, Education Publishing, Parents and Educators, as well as Social and Government entities.
eLC brings latest market knowledge & information to educators in terms of different valuable exposures. With more understanding on business application of emerging technologies, we aim to inspire educators to better groom our young talents in their corresponding disciplines.
參觀《數碼港 Formula Square 及 STEAM 教學體驗和分享》
推動STEAM教學,培養學生的創新精神及鼓勵以「普及化、趣味化、多元化」方式推展 STEAM,誠意安排校長和老師們參觀位於數碼港的《Formula Square》及他們 STEAM 教學分享會。
時間:下午4:15-5:45 (集合 – 4:00)
參觀《Chill Lab超正常研究室》
本次活動除介紹 Chill Lab的服務內容,亦安排 VR和 AR體驗青少年的精神健康及情緒,給予老師多些了解、推動及關心學生的精神健康狀況。
時間:下午3:30-5:30 (集合 – 3:15)
Seminar – Chapter 6
AI生成工具的新衝擊 – MS Bing 和 Google Bard 能否挑戰 ChatGPT-4 領導地位
2023年4月26日 下午5:00-6:00
香港鰂魚涌大古坊電訊盈科中心14樓 或 網上分享
Webinar – Chapter 3
HKTVmall: Leading Technology Evolution for eCommerce Industry
16 August 2022 5:00-6:00 pm
Webinar – Chapter 2
How Blockchain affecting us
13 April 2022 2:30-4:00 pm
Webinar – Chapter 1
Winning ICT Solutions for business and social sectors in HK
25 February 2022, 3:30-5:30 pm